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Web games on Chrome can be played with sound again

Web games on Chrome

Google has temporarily resolved the issue that caused many HTML5 games in the Chrome browser to stop playing sound. The company responded to reports of the problem about a week later.

Google hasn’t scrapped the idea of turning off sound in Chrome, but promised to postpone its implementation until October this year.

During this time, the creators of browser games and applications in HTML should finalize their products so that they can fully work after the return of the update.

Recall that after updating Chrome to version 66, a number of creators of browser games have begun to complain about the loss of sound when running their titles in Google.

The Chrome developers thought the 66 update was supposed to cut off the sound in videos that automatically launch when the page loads. That’s how the company hoped to deal with annoying ads.

But as a result, the update turned off audio in all objects created with HTML5. Not only web games, but also various browser-based media applications were affected.

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